This is a heads up about Spam / Phishing / Rogue emails.
Some of our clients are contacting us about emails they have received – looking for bank details, emails about payments, emails about receipts. I have received such emails myself, and even more so, over the last few weeks.
Who the hell are these hackers? Seems insane that they can continue this process.
These hackers are increasing their attacks HOPING that you are at home, hoping you are a bit more casual, maybe even a bit less security conscious, etc.
Please, any emails like these should be ignored or deleted etc.
Unfortunately, no filter email system can completely exclude these emails from a functioning email system.
The responsibility is ultimately on you, the final user, to apply common sense to the situation.
If I get an email “offering me money” or “looking for money” even if it is from my boss… Just before I delete, I look at the sender’s email address, if I don’t recognise, I hit the delete button.
If I do recognise the sender, then I MIGHT accept, or if out of the norm, I would ring the sender to confirm all is OK.
Please be careful with these emails, especially when working from home.
Best Regards
Linda O’Connor
Tel 021 4544 144