The following are various posts that we have come across that may be of interest if you are planning or considering to prepare a Disaster Recovery Plan or more importantly, if you want to test your Recovery Plan.
But even after reading the following and considering – call us on 021 4544144 to discuss how we can help you save time and money with your Plan and Testing requirements.
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Disaster Recovery Essential Guide
Detailed Business Continuity Plan Sample
Basic Disaster Recovery Plan Template
Backup Versus Business Continuity
Backup Disaster Recovery Whitepaper
2014 Report on Disaster Recovery Preparedness
What is Microsofts Azure – Cloud Services
Kick-Start Your Disaster Recovery Plan_hb_final
Essential Guide to Managed Backup
Disaster recovery planning process still a HIT or MISS
Business Continuity TestTemplate
Once again, if you want to discuss and of the above and see how Compuland can help you protect your company with our 3 Point plan then contact us at 021 4544144.